The Constitution Will Hold
My late friend Mona was not a fan of Donald Trump. But she was a
huge fan of the United States Constitution, and in my moments of
greatest despair over what was happening in the country during the
first two years of Trump's Presidency, she would stoutly proclaim
that no matter what Trump did, "The Constitution will hold." More
than once I pointed out to her that the Constitution is merely words
on paper and those words are only as good as the people who swear to
uphold them. Some people are truly struck by the gravity of placing
their hand on a religious tome and taking an oath. But the truth is
that some people count oath-taking as frivolous, merely a few
phrases "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
What we've seen since January 2017 is the slow but steady
deterioration of those elements that made America a decent country.
Note that I don't say a great country because it's my personal
belief that America has never been a great country although it could
have been and it could still be. Aside from the awesome, incredible,
and heroic sacrifices made by young men and women during the
liberation of Europe from the Nazis and during the war in the
Pacific, I believe there are more moments of disappointment and
despair, cruelty and ugliness, gross injustice and indifference than
there are moments during which the US has lived up to its potential
to be great. Consider, if you will: the genocide committed against
Native Americans, the enslavement of African people, the internment
of Japanese Americans, the stealing of land from native people, the
persecution and impoverishment of freed slaves, the rise of the Ku
Klux Klan and the governmental eyes turned away from their crimes,
the bombing of churches going unresolved, the uninvestigated
lynching of black men and boys, the denial of voting rights to women
and to black people and to Native Americans, the continuation of
school shootings encouraged by the governmental refusal to outlaw
weapons capable of multiple killings in minutes...The list goes on
and, indeed, this list of mine did go on until I figured I'd made my
Thus, when Donald Trump chose as his campaign slogan "Make America
Great Again," I was one of the people who, frankly, didn't know what
the hell he was talking about as it was my belief that America had
never been "great" in the first place. It had, however, been largely
decent, with the exception of nearly everything done by Dick Cheney
and George W Bush and most particularly their blatant lie about
"weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq and their approval--tacit or
otherwise--of "enhanced interrogation", a supposedly palatable word
for the unpalatable reality, which is torture.
As Americans, we have lost a lot in the past three years and eight
months of Donald Trump's presidency. Oh, the well-off haven't lost
very much. Neither have the super rich. But the things these two
groups have managed to hold onto are mostly associated with money:
stock portfolios doing well; bonds earning lots of bucks; 401Ks
growing and growing. And these are elements of life in America that
have come to equate to improving one's position in society or
securing one's future or securing the future of one's children or
grandchildren. The transitory nature of them demands not only one's
devotion and attention but also one's ability to cling to them in
the face of anything that might remove them from one's grasp.
But what gets lost in a person's desire to cling to the transitory
is the willingness to dedicate one's life or one's time or even
one's brief effort to the intangible.
Patriotism is an example of an intangible. It has several
definitions, but the one I prefer is: "Devotion to the welfare of
one's country," and for me, welfare is the critical word. It usually
means "well-doing or well-being in any respect; the enjoyment of
health and the common blessings of life; the exemption from any evil
or calamity." So put together we can define a person's patriotism by
examining his/her devotion--and perhaps his/her commitment--to the
well-doing or the well-being of his/her country; by examining
his/her devotion to the country's health and to the equal
participation in the common blessings of life; and by his/her
devotion to the country's freedom from any evil or calamity that may
come to it. With this in mind, I believe we can also say that if a
putative leader does not personify the definition of patriotism,
that individual is not suitable for election to any office in the
If you've received other essays from me, you will not be surprised
to know that I do not see Donald Trump as a patriotic individual.
You will probably be able to conclude--quite accurately--that I do
not see anyone who votes for Donald Trump as a patriotic individual.
For Trump has not shown devotion to the well-being of the country,
nor has he shown a determination--fierce or otherwise--to prevent
evil or calamity in the country. To vote for him means one approves
of his actions; it signals to him one's indifference to his lack of
patriotism or, perhaps, one's willingness to turn a blind eye to
those qualities he possesses which glaringly demonstrate his lack of
decency towards his fellows who inhabit this planet with him. To
vote for him is to be like him, which is to say to choose self over
others. It is to demonstrate a lack of concern for poverty and
suffering, an indifference to injustice, and a conclusion that the
rule of law is a bagatelle honored only by fools and stooges. To
vote for him is to say that equality among people--no matter who
they are or where they live or what they believe or whom they
love--can and will never supersede raw power. It is to say that the
concept of equal treatment under the law is the ever-unfulfilled
dream of losers. Indeed, to vote for him is to say that the
acquisition of power is the highest achievable good possible and
that anything else--from personal sacrifice to moral backbone--is a
sign of weakness and lack of character.
Let me conclude with this: America has been through terrible times,
ugly times, horrific times, inexcusable times. America has had
ignoble leaders who have hurt people and have done great wrongs. But
America has also stepped up to show the world a core of decency and
honor, acting not as a belligerent and bullying superpower but as
merely one country among many countries, with leaders whose decency,
compassion, and intelligence have been recognized and admired
worldwide. Unfortunately, Donald Trump is not a man of decency,
compassion, or intelligence. And unless you have lived under a rock
since June 2015 or unless you have sat transfixed in front of your
television watching Fox News since June 2015 or unless you've been
captured by those individuals on social media promulgating
conspiracies, you know that what I'm saying about Trump is the
absolute truth. You know it because you've seen it in his actions.
You've heard it in his words. And you're left with a decision about
what you want to see and experience in the next four years.
Most of you have already voted. I myself voted the day after I
received my mail-in ballot. But the attempt to put the United States
back where it once was--a leader among nations--does not end with
the words, "Hey, I voted." So I'm asking you to forward this to
anyone you may know who lives in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Ohio,
Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota. For voting is not
just a right and a privilege. Voting is a duty. And in this
particular election, voting is the only way people can show the
government in which direction it ought to be heading.
Thanks for reading these essays. Thanks even more for passing them
Elizabeth George